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参考文献(第1/3 页)

最新其它小说小说: 魔力之极开局:神刀行诸天率土之无敌六阿哥带*******〕我只想赚钱【零八】六零路人甲的躺平日常开局给秦始皇科普法治思想[直播]江湖那群爹[综武侠]钓鱼,易如反掌[恋综]成蝶[娱乐圈]和血族反派假戏真做了与你带着预言考女官〔系统〕我在洛京开花铺人间异法穿*******总不过一个戏子*火葬场不*******场仙君今乘幻电来红瑰玫的小王子[娇夫]

ABRAMS, L. Worker’s Culture in Imperial Germany. London, 1991.

ALBRECHT-CARRIE, R. A Diplomatic History of Europe Since the Congress of Vienna. London, 1958.

BALFOUR, M. The Kaiser and His Times.London, 1964.

BERGHAHN, W. Imperial Germany, 1871-1914. Oxford, 1994.

BLACKBOURN, D. Class, Religion and Local Politics in Wilbelmine Germany.London, 1981.

——.The Long Nineteenth Century—A History of Germany, 1780-1918. New York/Oxford, 1998.

BLACKBOURN, D., and G. ELEY.The Peculiarities of German History- Bourgeois Society and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Germany.Oxford, 1984.

BROSE, E. D. German History, 1789-1871: From the Holy Roman Empire to the Bismarckian Reich.Providence, 1997.

CECIL, L. The German Diplomatic Service, 1871-1914. Princeton, NJ, 1979.

——.Wilhelm II: Emperor and Exile, 1900-1941. Chapel Hill,NC, 1996.

CHAPPLE, G. ET AL.The Turn of the Century: German Literature and Art, 1890-1915 (Modern German Studies, vol. V).Bonn, 1981.

CHICKERING, R. Imperial Germany and a World Without War. Princeton, NJ, 1975.

CRAIG, G. A. Germany, 1866-1945 (Oxford History of Modern Europe). Oxford, 1978.

——.Theodor Fontane: Literature and History in the BismarckReich. Oxford, 1997.

——.The Politics of the Prussian Army, 1640-1945. Oxford, 1955.

ELEY, G. Reshaping the German Right: Radical Nationalism and Politi cal Change after Bismarck.New Haven/London, 1980.

EVANS, R.J. (ED.). Society and Politics in WilhelmineGermany.London, 1978.

EYCK, E. Bismarck and the German Empire.New York, 1958/London, 1950-58. (Bismarck und das deutsche Reich. Munchen 1978.)

FELDMANN, G. D. Army, Industry, and Labor in Germany 1914-1918.Princeton, NJ, 1966.

FISCHER, F. From Kaiserreich to the Third Reich: Elements of Continuity in German History, 1871-1945. New York, 1967.

FRIEDRICH, O. Blood and Iron: From Bismarck to Hitler. The von Moltke Family’s Impact on German History.New York, 1995.

GALL, L. Bismarck: The White Revolutionary. 2 vols, 1871-1898.Princeton, NJ, 1986. (Bismarck: der weiße Revolutionar. Frankfurt am Main, 1980.)

GEISS, I.German Foreign Policy, 1871-1914. London, 1976.

GUTTSMAN, W. L. The German Social Democratic Party, 1875-1933. London, 1987.
