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参考文献(第3/3 页)

最新其它小说小说: 风雪长安道黑白书江湖福瑞山村大学宝可梦之夜天穿越星铁:开局星穹双生救命!闪婚疯批厉爷后她认错老公了四合院:60年代一厨子怒撕渣王和离后,嫁他叔颠覆王朝开局溺水死尸成就超凡神位爱情公寓之羽墨我来了离婚后,她藏起孕肚成了千亿继承人镇西王:天下霸业闪婚后,千亿财阀轻点宠奥特:黑暗迪迦,但银发美少女综影视:六界三千男神等我救诡秘武林:侠客挥犀录刚登基,万国公主前来和亲穿越成了李自成亲弟弟大胆妖孽,贫僧法海穿成对照组女配[七零]

RETALLACK, J. N. Notables of the Right. The Conservative Party and Political Mobilization in Germany, 1876-1918. Boston,1988.

——.Germany in the Age of Kaiser Wilhelm II.Boston,1996.

RICHIE, A. Faust’s Metropolis: A History of Berlin. New York, 1998.

RÖHL, J. C. G. The Kaiser and His Court Wilhelm II and the Government of Germany.New York, 1964.

ROSENBERG, A. Imperial Germany: The Birth of the German Republic, 1871-1918.Boston, 1964. (Die Entstehung der Deutschen Republik 1871-1918. Berlin 1928.)

ROSS, R. Failure of Bismarck’s Kulturkampf: Catholicism and State Power. Washington, DC, 1998.

SACKETT, R. E. Popular Entertainment, Class and Politics in Munich, 1900-1923. Harvard, 1982.

SCHULZE, H. Course of German Nationalism: From Frederick the Great to Bismarck. Cambridge, 1991.

SHEEHANJ.J. German History, 1770-1866. Oxford, 1981.

SHEEHAN, J. J. (ED.). Imperial Germany.New York/London, 1976.

SMITH, W. D. European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. New York/Oxford, 1982.

——.Politics and the Sciences of Culture in Germany 1840-1920.New York/Oxford, 1991.

STERN, E Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichrdder and the Building of the German Empire.London, 1977.

STEVENSON, D. French War Aims Against Germany, 1914-1919. New York, 1982.

STRANDMANN, H. Pogge-von (ED.). Walther Rathenau: Industrialist; Banker, Intellectual and Politician: Notes and Diaries, 1907—1922. Oxford, 1985. (Rathenau, Walther. Tagebuch 1907-1922. Hrsg. u. kommentiert von Hartmut Pogge-von Strandmann. Düsseldorf, 1967.)

STÜRMER, M. The German Century.London, 1999. (Das Jahrhundert der Deutschen. München, 1999.)

STÜRMER, M. ET AL. Striking the Balance: Sal. Oppenheim Fr. & Cie. A Family and a Bank.London, 1994. (Wagen und Wagen: Sal. Oppenheimjr. & Cie; Geschichte einer Bank und einer Familie. München, 1989.)

TAYLOR, A. J. P. (ED.). Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman. New York, 1975.

URBACH, K. Bismarck’s Favorite Englishman: Lord Odo Russell’s Mission. London, 1999.

WALLER, B. Bismarck.Oxford, 1997.

WEGENER, W. Naval Strategyof the World War. Annapolis 1989.

WEHLER, H. -U. The German Empire, 1871-1918.Leamington Spa,1985.(Das Deutsche Kaiserreich: 1871-1918. Göttingen 1973.)

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